Monday, March 8, 2010

Getting Things Started

Although I've been programming for years, I still consider myself a beginner in many ways.  I know I write spaghetti code, and for the most part I'm ok with that, but I always look to improve my techniques.  In following with that idea, I have been working on projects in C# for about 6 months now.  Again - spaghetti code.  Recently, I (re)discovered MVC frameworks and considered recreating a few websites I have using a framework.  I first looked at the PHP frameworks - CodeIgniter, Yii mainly - and then I realized the power of the Castle project.

As I've been messing with ActiveRecord, Monorail, and MicroKernel/Windsor, I've been impressed with what is possible with it, but also I'm disappointed in much of the documentation.  It seems something that should be very simple, such as creating a new AspView page that creates a simple form, should be easy and no problem, but it ends up taking quite awhile because there is simply either no documentation or scattered documentation.  I've been playing around with the idea of creating a blog like this for awhile, but decided to go ahead and because of these things, I've decided to go ahead and start it with the idea of documenting some of the things I've been doing in Monorail, etc.  I hope that this can help some other people just starting out and can maybe help to get some undocumented/out of date documentation updated.  More to follow soon...

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